Sustainability Management
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Sustainability Policy
We (WILLTEC Group) aim to help achieve a sustainable society and continuously enhance our corporate value in order to contribute to the creation of a society full of smiles as indicated in our Corporate Philosophy.
We nurture highly creative and technically skilled human resources through our business activities.
- We have built a system that maximizes the potential and creativity of each and every employee.
- We not only comply with laws and regulations; we also respect the human rights, personality, individuality, and diversity of our employees, and create a safe and secure work environment so that each employee can work with satisfaction and pride.
We will continue to provide optimal services and technologies.
- We provide quality services and technologies that meet customer expectations and solve current issues.
- We provide innovative and valuable services and technologies to exceed customer expectations and sustain our future growth.
We build good relationships with all stakeholders.
- We comply with relevant laws and regulations and maintain fair and free trade.
- We respect cultures, customs, laws, and regulations in all regions and countries where we do business.
- As a responsible corporate citizen, we actively engage in social contribution activities that lead to environmental protection, etc.
Code of Conduct
All employees of the WILLTEC Group shall not only comply with laws and regulations based on their self-consciousness of being a member of society, but also strive to help the WILLTEC Group to be trusted and highly regarded by society through their high ethical standards and sensible behavior, and shall furthermore strive for the permanent development of the company.
Human Rights and Labor
- We respect the will and human rights of our employees and do not discriminate in recruitment and employment.
- We will properly manage wages and working hours, and create a workplace that supports the self-actualization and growth of employees.
Health and Safety
- We will take necessary measures to ensure safety and health, and create a workplace where employees can work with peace of mind.
- We will identify occupational accidents and illnesses and protect the health of our employees.
- We will provide environmental education to our employees, and labor and management will work together in activities appropriate for coexistence with the global environment.
- We will optimize the use of resources and energy and minimize the emission of environmental pollutants.
Fair Trade and Corporate Ethics
- We will not have any relationships with antisocial forces and will ensure transparent relationships with politicians, government authorities, and stakeholders.
- We will fairly and appropriately disclose information regarding our business activities and handle financial accounting fairly and accurately.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
- We will comply with all laws and regulations related to our corporate activities and conduct our business fairly.
- We will establish a system for preventing and detecting misconduct at an early stage.
Safety of Products and Services
- We will provide products and services with excellent safety and quality, based on our understanding of customer needs.
- We will support our customers as their partner capable of achieving innovation with pride in and responsibility for leading manufacturing.
Information Security
- We strictly handle personal and confidential information.
- We will establish a security system to prepare for computer network threats.
Sustainability Organizational Structure

RBA Initiatives
Many of WILLTEC's customers are members of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), which addresses corporate social responsibility in the global supply chain, or comply with the RBA Code of Conduct. As a provider of human resources services in the manufacturing and engineering fields, WILLTEC is also striving to comply with the RBA Code of Conduct in order to contribute to our customers' supply chain management. We work toward making improvements in terms of human rights, work environment, health and safety, and ethics, in the supply chain in preparation for audits. We engage in discussions about and restructuring of policies and internal regulations, including the development of a CSR system.