Message from Top Management
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Continuing to be a place that nurtures human resources beneficial to society and provides job satisfaction

Technological innovations are occurring one after another in the manufacturing field. We take the initiative in learning new things while passing on the services and technologies we have cultivated in the field. We will continue to lead technological innovation and provide our customers with higher value-added technologies and services.
We believe that what is necessary to achieve this is to continue to provide an environment for learning. We have the know-how based on our accumulated experience in the manufacturing field and the opportunity to learn about new technologies. New learning enhances the value of our customers' products and services, and provides career advancement, rewards, and job satisfaction to our employees. We believe that these initiatives will help realize an affluent society: fostering new human resources by connecting experienced employees with the next generation, and sustaining a cycle in which individual motivation generates company profits by encouraging individuals to take on challenges and by enhancing their growth .
Meanwhile, we are currently strengthening our partnerships with local governments to play a role in creating an environment conducive to living in rural areas. Dispersing the population that is concentrated in cities to rural areas will lead to an increase in the economic utilization rate of Japan as a whole, in other words, to the enhancement of national power, and it also has the significance of preserving the history and culture of each region. For this reason, we would like to continue to communicate to our employees the attractiveness of each region and to continue to propose jobs that support an affluent lifestyle.
Aiming for sustainable growth by creating learning and working opportunities for all people
We consider it our mission to improve the quality of education and provide equal opportunities to learn and work not only in Japan but also in all countries. One specific example of our efforts is to expand the human resources education we currently provide in Vietnam and Myanmar to include not only the Japanese language but also technical fields, and to expand the area to the wider ASEAN region. We will continue to create equal opportunities for all people to learn and work, while striving for sustainable growth.
Together with our stakeholders, we will continue to grow while adapting to the changing times. Thank you in advance for your continued support.